X-88 Recon Jet
This was a 3D model I did in May '22, based off the subdivision modelling mentorship I received from the Blenderbros, and Ryuu, the founder of the Blenderbros.com, a 3D education resource, loved it so much, that he used it as a showcase for the rest of his students. It resulted in a 1 hour critique, breaking down the lighting, rendering and composition of these shots.  I was the only student thus far to have such an honour, typically, the founder comes up with showcase ideas once a month to give to the rest of the community at large.

Here I challenged myself to tone it down on colours, and focus on creating a piece that was largely achromatic, and used colour in a much more sparing way, but ultimately still created a lot of vivid 'punch'.  This was the result of that restriction.
Bottom Action Shot
Bottom Action Shot
Front View
Front View
Rear View
Rear View
Decal Detail Back End Shot
Decal Detail Back End Shot
Sideview Extended Wide Angle
Sideview Extended Wide Angle
Topdown view
Topdown view
Engine View Glamour Shot
Engine View Glamour Shot
Aggressive Motion Shot
Aggressive Motion Shot
Splinter Cell Tribute - Sam Fisher's Infamous Trifocal Goggles - Desert Camo
I created these when I first heard that there was going to be a new Splinter Cell remake coming out, and I had recently replayed Splinter Cell: Blacklist, and greatly enjoyed the camo customizations and variety of skin options that were brought to the game.  So I thought I would try my hand at creating some camoflage materials and procedurally generated and displaced some sand for the Goggles to sit in.  I used trim sheet decals from Blender Bros for Machine Tools, and modelled this in Blender, and did some touch-ups in Post, using Adobe Photoshop.  Rendered using Cycles.
Central Composition 01
Central Composition 01
Over-The-Hill Hidden Advert Shot
Over-The-Hill Hidden Advert Shot
Lefthand Composition
Lefthand Composition
Close-Up Advert Shot
Close-Up Advert Shot
Over-The-Top Shot feat. Rear Details
Over-The-Top Shot feat. Rear Details
iPhone 13 Pro Max Commercial 
Here is a personal project where I modelled, animated, composed, rendered and did the post-processing all 100% from scratch, by me.  I did this to create a 30~ second spot, for the smartphone of my choice, iPhone 13 Pro Max.  I modelled and animated in Blender 3.0, rendered it in K-Cycles, and then stitched the scenes together, added the music and transitions in Adobe Premiere Pro.
Nintendo Gameboy Colour Ad
This was an ad that I had created as part of a school project, to create an advert for a toy, could be a current one, or one from the past, so I chose to dig into the nostalgia of my childhood, and go with Gameboy Colour! I created these cute Gameboy characters using Blender to model them, and applied them in every colour of the rainbow, and then arranged them in a rainbow formation above the base Gameboy Colour, to create a visually witty companion to the initial tagline, "Joy Now Comes In Every Colour Of The Rainbow" -- however, that tagline was opted to be simplified, it was ultimately felt like "Every Shade Of Joy" and the rainbow formation was still perceptible enough without being too 'on-the-nose'.
First Draft Concept
First Draft Concept
Experimenting With Staging Ideas
Experimenting With Staging Ideas
Final Render, Pre-Post-Processing with Photoshop
Final Render, Pre-Post-Processing with Photoshop
Final Concept
Final Concept
Futureproof Fabricators Hard Surface "Doodle"
personal work

This was something I had created to practice hard surface skills, and really liked the future-industrial potentially sci-fi look and feel of this project.   It was a super fast, super fun model I whipped up, primarily to practice working with joining curved surfaces in poly-modelling workflows.
Crypto Conclave Motion Graphic  Instagram Promo
client work
This was client work done for a branding project of mine, for The Crypto Conclave.  An informational consulting group specializing in cryptocurrency investments.  The idea was that the block would have more cubes moving around on it, to signify a "blockchain" of sorts, as that is the technology at the core of cryptocurrency.  
'Building The Metaverse'
Artistic Expression
While technically not real 3D, this was done in Adobe Illustrator, utilizing their 3D vector effects, to create a futuristic, isometric cityscape.  At this time, Facebook was rebranding as 'Meta' and the word Metaverse was a trendy buzzword at the time, so I felt inspired to create a glimpse of a would-be virtual world and the feelings that it evoked in a space that is only in its infancy, technologically speaking.
Heineken Ad, 3D Model
Final Render, Pre-Post
Final Render, Pre-Post
Rough Concept
Rough Concept
Test Render, Side shot Experiment
Test Render, Side shot Experiment
Matching Materials/Colours Experiment
Matching Materials/Colours Experiment
Moody Lighting Render Test
Moody Lighting Render Test
Pre Label Render
Pre Label Render
Final Concept
Final Concept
Electric 7 Energy Drink Ad
Energy Drink Concept, I created all the branding and label design, and then created this super quick 10 second ad for social media, to grab attention and promote the brand. I modelled and animated the can in Blender, and rendered the video in Premiere Pro, using royalty-free sounds from freesound.org.
45D Bullpup SMG - Urban Warfare Style
This was an original gun concept I had created.  I wanted to create something that had versatility and portability in mind, while still packing a hefty punch!  I went for a boxier, futuristic look overall reminiscent of a brutalist aesthetic style. This gun could be featured in police departments around the world or on the battlefield in a highly dynamic urban warfare scenario. The magazines feature see-through points that allow the user to quickly gauge how much ammo there is remaining, without relying on sensors or counters, that may break down or distract.
Sci-Fi Barrel - Substance Painter Shader Experiment
This was something I created while messing around with Substance Painter.  I had a lot of fun working with this and initially wanted a much more beat-up, worn out barrel.  I was going to leave it discarded on a desert somewhere, long forgotten.  However, that initial concept didn't work out, so I decided to redo it, and take it easy on the shading and make something that would still be conceivably in-service today.  I uploaded the final result and the rough draft as well.
Final Render
Final Render
First Attempt -- Too Bright and Washed Out
First Attempt -- Too Bright and Washed Out
Render Preview of the original, there were shader errors that couldn't be rectified, but I thought the scene looked cool
Render Preview of the original, there were shader errors that couldn't be rectified, but I thought the scene looked cool
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